what’s up guys my name is Brandon and by nowyou’ve probably already unboxed your brand new 2022 iPhone SE but now you might be going throughthe settings you know googling some things or just kind of wondering what you should do next withyour new phone and that’s why i wanted to make this video to show you the first 16 things todo on your new third generation iphone se so this is going to include some settings to changesome features to take advantage of and just some overall tips and tricks that you might findinteresting and if this video helps you out i would appreciate if you gave it a thumbs up andalso consider subscribing for more iphone tips and tricks alright so the first thing you needto do is understand that you now have 5g this is the first iphone se to get 5g so make sure youunderstand it in the best settings for 5g because it is different from lte so the first thing youneed to know is that we have sub 6 5g so it’s not the top tier 5g like we have on the iphone 13sthey have a millimeter wave 5g we only have sub 6. well that’s still better than lte it’s justnot the best of the best when it comes to 5g so that’s one thing to understand also if you gointo your settings and go to cellular and then go to cellular data options and then voice and datayou will see a new toggle in here for turning 5g on or 5g auto i would highly recommend keepingthat on 5g auto and the reason being is because if you have 5g on all the time it’s going todrain your battery it’s only going to connect you to 5g even if that signal is weak so i wouldhighly recommend keeping this on 5g auto and if we go back to data mode right here i wouldalso recommend keeping this on standard or low data mode as you could read down here whatthe allow more data on 5g option is but 99 of you will not need to enable that really atany time but i will say that low data mode is very useful if you’re running low on batteryor if you’re concerned about your battery life i would consider putting your phone in lowdata mode you can see here it says it helps reduce cellular data usage by pausing automaticupdates and background tasks and then also in this section is limit ip address tracking whichi would also highly recommend although that has nothing to do with 5g i just wanted to point thatout to keep that enabled now the next thing you guys need to do is understand the home button onthe iphone se so some of you are going to come from mechanical home buttons like the iphone7 and earlier so if you had an iphone se iphone 6s iphone 7 you guys had a mechanical homebutton well this is not a mechanical home button it’s actually software based so if you push downit feels like you’re pushing a physical button but you’re not it’s actually based on software justlike with the iphone 8 had and if you go into your settings and go to general and then to home buttonyou have the option here to change the haptic and you probably already did this in the setup processbut if you wanted to go back and change it you could go in here and change the home button hapticand basically how it feels when you press it i think too the default is the best but you can playaround with that here in settings but i did also just want to point out that it’s a haptic homebutton not a mechanical home button which means that it technically cannot break because it’s notmechanical no matter how many times you press it it will not break now the next thing you guys needto do is set up your touch id and passcode if you did not do so in the initial setup process there’salso some things in here that i would recommend changing so first off i would recommend adding atleast two fingerprints right here so when you go down to fingerprints add a second fingerprinteither that’s for another finger or your other hand or if you have you know like a kid or asignificant other that you want to allow into your phone have them add their fingerprint right thereas well also one thing that i change in here is password autofill i turn that off so i don’t haveto use touch id every single time i want to enter a password in safari that gets pretty annoyingthat is personal preference but i personally like turning that one off and all the other ones i likekeeping on also if we go down to the allow access when locked section you may want to considerturning some of these off so you have more privacy so people can’t just go into your phone and searchfor things reply to messages from your lock screen so this is where you change that right therethe next thing you should do with your iphone se is test out that camera and the brand newphotographic styles so you’ll see this pop up the first time you open up the camera and i’llshow you how to do that in a minute but the first thing you guys should do is just test out thiscamera because it is definitely greatly improved from the previous generation iphone se so that’sthanks to the a15 bionic chip inside and that gives you smart hdr4 and deep fusion which areboth post image processing features that just make your photos look so much better those arethe features that the iphone 13 and 13 pro have so try out that camera and you’ll be surprised athow good photos turn out from such a tiny little camera on the back of this phone and now let’stalk about those photographic styles so if you swipe up in the camera app you get these quickcontrols right there if you tap on this that will take you to the photographic styles and what theseare is they’re essentially glorified instagram filters just built in to your camera applicationbut keep in mind once you take a photo with that filter you cannot change it so if you go over hereyou have standard you have rich contrast you have vibrant you have warm and you have cool now thecool thing about this is you can customize these to your liking so if you don’t like the presetyou could change it to whatever you like and then once you are set on one so let me go ahead tovibrate right here and customize it a little bit there we go now it’s set and if i take a pictureit’s going to take it with that filter on and you cannot change it afterwards and if you take a lookup in the top right it will indicate when you have a photographic style enabled so if you tap on thatit will show you which one you have right there and you can also get to this in settings so if yougo into your settings and then down to camera and then just scroll down to photographic stylesyou could select them right here you also get additional details in here as well i also wantedto mention this toggle right here that says show detected text that is live text so you want tomake sure that’s turned on unless you find this annoying which i don’t i think is a really coolfeature but if you hold your phone in front of some text you will actually be able to copy thattext right there you don’t even need to take the picture if you just go ahead over you see it saysiphone just tap this little icon down there in the bottom right and you will be able to copy selectall or look up straight from here you don’t even need to take a photo of it of course you canif you want to but you don’t need to and if i were to take a photo of something and then go backinto my photos application right here i could also do the same thing i can copy the text from thatphoto which is really cool the next tip is to take advantage of voice control for a fully hands-freeexperience so the iphone se is small so you know you’re probably going to be able to use thisat all times but if you don’t have a free hand you can enable voice control and actually talkto your phone and tell it to do exactly what you want so if you go into your settings here we’regonna go to our accessibility settings and then if we scroll down to voice control right here youwant to turn this on and it will have to download some files and it will be turned on right afterthat and then if we go out of that settings page you can see right here we will get some numberson our screen and we could just basically talk to our phone and tell it what to do so watchthis press 20 press 16 scroll down press 11 scroll down go home press three press two and just like that we wereable to control our phone just from our voice and nothing else so you could also enable this viasiri so if i go ahead down here to siri turn on voice control you can see it will turn it onjust like that and speaking of siri you may want to change the siri voice and we actually have abrand new one with ios 15.4 which actually comes pre-installed with the iphone se so if you gointo siri and search right here and then go to siri voice you now have five different options tochoose for your siri voice so the voice five is a brand new one so you may wanna listen to that andchange it if you would like to now the next thing you guys should do after getting your new iphonese is to set up your display settings so if we go into our settings here and go to accessibility andthen to display and text size and then go all the way down to the bottom we have things like autobrightness so i’ve had a lot of mixed opinions on auto brightness over the past few years but it’sgotten a lot better recently and something i use every day on my main phone so that’s something youmight want to consider also if you cannot see as well you could turn on bold text you could alsoturn on larger text right here and other things like button shapes and on off labels and alsoreduce transparency now if we go back into our settings and go to the display and brightnesssection we also have our light and dark mode and i like turning this on automatic so it goesinto dark mode when the sun sets i am recording a video though so it looks better in lightmode so we do also have true tone right here you could turn that off or on so it just dependson your style i personally like turning it on but if you turn it off you can see you get amuch more blue screen so just depends on what you prefer with the tone of your phone we also havenight shift and auto lock i like turning this on five minutes that is just when your phone locksafter not touching it or interacting with it if you turn it on never sometimes you could justforget or go to sleep with your phone on and it will drain all your battery so that’s why i liketurning it on to five minutes also raised to wake is a feature i just do not like i think it wastesa lot of battery and it’s just unnecessary but if you like that you can turn that on i personallykeep that off we also have the display zoom right here since we do have a small phone you may wantto consider putting this on zoomed so you can see things better since this is again such a smalldisplay and then also we do have our text size and bold text right there as well you should also goahead and customize your home screen and at your control center so your home screen right here isvery easy to customize now of course we can move multiple icons at once if we just tap and holdon one and then use our other finger to tap the other icons you can see you can move multipleapplications at once very easily also now if you tap and hold and if you’re in the jiggle moderight here if you tap on the page dots down there you could hide entire pages so if you just tapon the check mark there you can hide an entire page you could also remove an entire page or youcould just move them around so if you want this to be your first page you can now move that andit will be your first page on your springboard so you can do a lot of customization with yourhome screens on the iphone se here in ios 15. if you tap on the little plus icon there up in thetop right that is how you get to the widget so if you tap on that it will take you to widgets righthere i would recommend putting on some widgets because they are awesome and they don’t drainbattery life like they did in the past you can go ahead and add those here you usually get multipledifferent styles of the widget different you know sizes as you can see here and then customizing thecontrol center is also something i would highly recommend doing so if you go into your settingshere and then go down to control center and then to show home controls i like turning that off onthe iphone se i have a lot of homepod minis and homepods in my house so i do love having that inmy control center however the iphone se is a small device and that is just taking up a ton of spacei like the toggles a lot more than i like seeing my home controls so that is something i wouldconsider turning off depends on how much you use your home controls but down here is where you addin your different control center toggles that you would like i do like music recognition let me goahead and add that one in there and i pretty much have every one i want in there right now sothis is uneven i don’t like having to scroll in my control center so i’m going to take one ofthese out one that i don’t use that much i don’t use stopwatch really at all so there we go i cannow screen record i can turn on my low power mode i have my flashlight there all kinds of thingsi could do from the control center of course you can always move these around if you want to aswell and speaking of customizing the iphone se also comes with exclusive wallpapers that are onlyavailable on the iphone se so if you go into your settings here and if we go down to wallpaper andthen choose new wallpaper and then to stills and go all the way down to the bottom you can see wehave three exclusive wallpapers again only found on the new iphone se3 so we have this one righthere which is meant for my color the star lights you have this one right here and then youhave this one right here which i believe this one is meant for the midnight this one for theproduct red but you have all those that you could choose and they look much better than the defaultwallpaper that comes with your sc and if you want to take it one step further you could also setup an automation so your wallpaper changes every single morning and if you want to find out how todo that i will leave that linked in the card up above and also down in the description below thenext thing you guys might want to do is add the battery percentage to your status bar so i don’tknow how this is not enabled by default but it’s not but if you go to your settings here and thento battery you should turn on battery percentage right here that is definitely something you shoulddo right away because it’s always good to see what your battery life is and not have to guess alsoif you go down to battery health you want to make sure your maximum capacity is at 100 if it’s noti would take that back to the apple store asap and get a new one also i would recommend keeping onoptimized battery charging so it trickle charges after 80 and if you find your battery life tobe poor on the iphone se3 make sure to watch my battery saving tips video that’s going to gothrough a ton of different settings that you might want to disable that could be eating away at yourbattery life on your se so if you want to watch that video i will leave that linked down in thedescription below the next thing you guys need to do is to customize your notifications and yournotification settings so notifications are one of the number one killers of battery life i seeit all the time so many people get way too many notifications they just simply don’t need so ifyou go to your notifications here i would go ahead in each application and select what you want ifyou want notifications from those applications or not or an easier way to do this now in ios 15 isthrough a focus mode so if you go into focus right here i’m currently in my recording a video focusmode so i will not get any type of notification except for from certain people that you see righthere so if you go down here to applications you can add applications that you would like to seenotifications from and anything that’s not in here you will not receive any notifications from so iwould highly recommend going into your focus modes right here and customizing walnut to your likingthat way you could always turn it on or off from the control center right here and you will not getas many notifications or if you don’t do that at all just go into your notification settings righthere and just turn off notifications for the apps that just simply do not need notifications likecall of duty why would i need notifications for a game and things like that you know what imean just customize your notifications so you’re not getting a ton of them throughout the day thenext thing you guys need to do after getting your iphone se is to set up emergency sos and emergencycontacts so if you go into your settings here and then go down to emergency sos you will seethat we now have an option to call withhold so this is also new in ios 15.4 and it says if youpress and hold the side button right here and volume buttons together the emergency sos sliderappears if you continue to hold them a countdown begins and an alert sounds when the countdown endsiphone calls emergency services so if you want to call emergency services quickly all you have todo is hold all three of these at the same time and it will call of course you can also do thefive presses right here so if you tap this five times rapidly it will call but that is disabledby default so if you want to re-enable that if that’s the way you prefer you can turn that on andturn off call withhold i would also add at least one emergency contact right here that way somebodyelse is notified if you are in danger or if you got hurt or something like that now the next thingyou need to know is that your iphone se is able to be fast charged so you could charge up to 50 in 30minutes but only if you’re using a 20 watt adapter so by now most of you should have a 20 wattadapter if not i would go out and buy one for 19 it’s going to charge your phone much faster thanone of those old blocks that you had back in the day i’m sure you guys saw this one coming butthe next thing you need to do is to consider getting a case for your iphone se and a screenprotector so one of the two if not both so these are the apple silicone cases right here which arenice they don’t offer the best drop protection so you can look at alternatives for better dropprotection but i would consider at least a screen protector if you’re not going to get a case atleast get a screen protector although the back is glass so you probably want a case as well i wouldjust protect that investment with both again it may not look the best but you’re not really buyinga phone for the look you’re buying it more for that functionality and protecting that investmentespecially if you don’t have apple care and then finally if you bought a 64 gigabyte iphone se youshould buy more icloud storage and better off you know if you’re still within the return periodof your iphone i would just return it and pay 50 additional dollars to double your storage to 128but if you can’t afford it i understand but you’re just going to need to buy more icloud storageand that’s going to add up to 50 bucks in no time so low storage is the number one cause of batterydrain and slow performance so even if you got 128 i would recommend getting above the defaulticloud storage you need a lot more than five gigabytes so if you go to your icloud and then goto manage storage right here and then go to change storage plan this is where you’ll be able to havea different downgrade or upgrade options so i have the two terabyte plan which is overkill for 99 ofpeople but i would recommend at least upgrading from the free icloud storage that way you’re ableto actually store more things on the cloud and not have them be on your device and bogging it downand draining your battery life so consider buying more icloud storage it is definitely worth it ohand if you do buy more icloud storage make sure you turn icloud backup on that way if somethinghappens to your phone you’re still able to retain all of your information you will not lose it sothere you have it guys those are the first 16 things that you should do after getting your brandnew iphone se third generation of course there are more out there and i may even make anothervideo on tips and tricks for the iphone se if you would like to see that let me know in acomment down below but nonetheless i hope this video did help you out at least a little bit ifit did i would really appreciate if you gave it a thumbs up also please consider subscribingif this video helped you out i will be making a lot more iphone tips and tricks videos inthe future and i do these type of videos every time a new apple product drops but anyways guysthanks again for watching and i’ll see you soon so you
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